Okay, What?

Yeah, well, just because our parents were born in the Southern part of the U.S. doesn’t mean we California kids had any idea what a shotgun shack might be.

Well, thanks to Wikipedia’s explanation, we’re pretty sure we’ve seen one — houses with a front door that opens into a front room with rooms linked one into the next, so that if one shot a shotgun in through the front door, it would go straight out the backdoor and go through every room. Hallways in houses apparently take extra lumber and blueprints, so the very poor often have in-one-door-and-out-the-other houses like this. An unsubtle irony indeed, that guns are also associated with these, as if the poor must always have violence follow in their wake.

*climbing down from the soapbox*

But we digress.

Around Glasgow 460

The real question is, “Glasgow, what do you know about shotgun shacks???”

So far, they know they’re in Mississippi… and probably that they’re a vacation destination.

Sometimes it’s just plain weird what you find in cabs!!

It’s rare we take this kind of cab, which is a fancy — and more expensive — city cab, unless we’re in a hurry and running late somewhere. In this case, we were being whisked to our chiropractor’s office, and snapped a very amusing pic of the Mississippi tourism ads on the bottom of the folding seats across from us.

When we first moved to Glasgow, we were astounded by how many of our acquaintances had been to Florida, and counted it an American version of the heavenly paradise (since both of our father’s mothers hailed from that part of the world, we both disagree. Vehemently. Why? Florida during summer break. Enough said). Now it seems that Mississippi is elbowing in on the Scottish tourist dollars, and we wish them the best of luck. Frankly, as long as they have sun, we’re pretty sure the Scots are keen to visit there.

If for no other reason than to visit the shotgun shacks.

Around Glasgow 459

Speaking of vacation destinations: We’re off to London to see the Queen! Okay, not really; although we might walk past Buckingham Palace on the way somewhere else. D. is off to spend some time with his familia, and T. is going to be let loose in the big bad city all alone. She thought she’d be able to finagle a vacation out of this, but still is stuck on the last twenty or so pages of her manuscript — so will probably simply drag her laptop to London and work, instead of going outside. *sigh*

On the off chance that D. can eventually drag her into the open air, any suggestions on what off-the-beaten-track things we should explore? We have four days…

4 Replies to “Okay, What?”

  1. interesting. never heard about a shotgun shack before.

    interesting, too, about mississippi…

    have fun in london. sorry i don’t have any off-the-beaten-track suggestions. somehow, i know you’ll find some. let us know. 😉

  2. Could you at least get close enough to Buckingham Palace to take a picture of it? I mean it would be great if you see Liz waving but I’d like to see it from a touristy “real picture” point of view…and oh if you could get close enough to Harrod’s that would be cool too. Nothing too troublesome I hope.

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