“Fresh” winds and “Worthy” causes…

St. Andrews 55

We love the BBC Weather icons (the sun/cloud/raindrops icon is so classic — and classically indecisive — that people have had T-shirts and bags made) and their banal Radio 4 descriptions of how the forecast is shaping up. We have snickered for months about the alleged “Wintery Mix,” which is apparently what the confused state of rain/sleet/hail/snow/rain again is supposed to be called. Spring — which it seems we’re finally having, despite a “Wintery Mix” just at the beginning of this week — is affording us new things to amuse. We snorted the other day to hear 35 mph gusts of wind described as “fresh.” When there’s a vent to the outside right behind your bed, however, one must disagree. In particular, we disagree because the pigeons nesting in the vent disagree so loudly… MAN, we wish those birds would finish with the eggs already and GO AWAY.


As with the tidbit vs. titbit controversy, wherein we received an email from someone we actually thought to tell of their typographical error – briefly, until T. used her mad OED skillz – the word “worthy” was another thing T. thought she ought to warn someone about… then she looked it up.

One of the definitions of “Worthy,” sez the OED, is “showing good intent, but lacking in humo(u)r and imagination.” Soo, when T. saw the word in a children’s book review — “Emotionally charged, this is a wonderfully touching story which never slips into worthiness” she thought the writer had meant, wordiness or …SOMETHING else.


Right, then.

We’re off this morning for a short, slow walk — short, yet slow, so we don’t overtax newly energized muscles — and to brunch at our friend C.’s house, where we’ll just chat and catch up with thoroughly unworthy topics, and hope the wind isn’t too fresh on our way home…

St. Andrews 45

And though we didn’t get to say it last weekend when it was all going down, The Hobbits are officially proud of their wee-tall Little, D’Nic, who last weekend graduated from high school. The Hobbits also send good wishes and their presence in spirit to their sister Bulia, who graduates from nursing school next weekend. We’re proud of you two, and all others of our circle who are moving on to the next phase of their existence. Unlike what all the graduation speakers will try to tell you, the world is not your oyster (what does that mean, anyway? That it’s something you can gag on with salt and lime juice?), and you cannot do “anything” you please now – not just because of the present economy, but because the world never works that way. Individual excellence often depends on teamwork. We look forward to cheering you on as you do as you’re intended to do in this world, which is to find your place in the madness, put your skills and talents to work for the whole, and thrive. Here’s to being part of the team, peeps.

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