What do they have…

The other night, having driven to San Jose in order to pick up a friend from the airport, we realized that we hadn’t brought enough water, and that we were a bit early for the flight. So, we ended up at Cost Plus (rather than Trader Joe’s), shopping for water (and gifts). Our choices (in the non-glass-bottle category) included a bottle of Ty Nant water from Wales, and a bottle of Icelandic Glacier water.

I just wonder what they drink over there … American Tap Water? Each was dead flat and tasted exactly as if they’d been sitting in a plastic bottle for several months … which they probably had, come to think of it. So, to all of the Europeans out there: do YOU buy “exotic” waters from the United States? Arrowhead or Calistoga water, perhaps?

6 Replies to “What do they have…”

  1. Buy? Water? I mean in the same sentence? Ok, not funny… I’m in Holland and I think not many people actually buy water if they don’t have to. Our tapwater is great tasting (there are differences however throughout the country) and usually I would fill a bottle at home with tapwater and take it with me. When buying I’ll buy either Spa, Evian, Sourcy and those are Belgian/French mineral waters. of course I’m in tiny town and not a trendy city dweller….

  2. I tend to buy Deep RiverRock or Ballygowan here in Ireland. Occasionally I’ll buy Kerry Spring.
    I’m guessing your ‘welsh’ and ‘icelandic’ water is probably American water with a fancy label. 🙂

  3. You’ll be glad to know that the water in Scotland tastes pretty good – it’s ‘soft’ as opposed to the ‘hard’ water in England. As a result of this difference, our water tastes better, doesn’t fur the kettle up with limescale and means that when you wash your hair, it feels much better.

  4. OMG, you think weird thoughts just like me!!! That’s fabulous! Yeah, like in France, is Perrier as “cool” as it is here or is like Aquafina to us? Also, I have an aunt who works for a company who bottles water and even though it’s filtered, regular bottled water isn’t really that special other than they filter it to take out any bad tastes. I often feel soooo guilty at work for buying water from the soda machine becasue the hospital’s water isn’t heavy in minerals and doesn’t taste bad. Then there’s all those plastic bottles in the landfills….okay, I need to stop. See what you’re created? The pathological diarrhear of the brain and mouth. 🙂 But I’m still glad you think the odd thoughts too.

  5. Yes – buy water. Hah! We usually buy them & then reuse the bottles until they get … well, “funky.” It’s convenient, and it’s just a fact of life that you have to carry water, since there seem to be a dearth of drinking fountains in the world. Of course, I could be carrying a non-disposable water bottle….

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