Potato Aberrations

Finnieston 229 Finnieston 228 Finnieston 227 Finnieston 226 Finnieston 225
Prawn Coctail Sizzling King Prawn Flame Grilled Steak Roast Chicken Smoky Bacon

Our friend Jess mentioned how strange it was that there are such things as “Roastin Chicken” flavored potato chips. We find it strange as well, of course, but have grown accustomed to finding such strange flavors as “Ox Tail,” in addition to the other strange ones pictured. Of course, the really odd flavor in there has to be Cajun Squirrel.

Cajun Squirrel Crisps

D actually tried these, seeing as how they contain no animal products; nor do the Ox Tail ones, but … after the squirrel, he’s done experimenting with these abominations.

-D & T

6 Replies to “Potato Aberrations”

  1. Jason and I always thought the same thing. . .we would have never imagined prawn and roast beef and Yorkshire pudding flavored crisps. Not our cup of tea! I love the part “he’s done experimenting with these abominations”–ha ha!!

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