Shadow Shot Sunday – Dunkeld Cathedral

This week’s Shadow Shot Sunday was a difficult one for us, as the day was bright and glorious yesterday, and we were visiting someplace quite picturesque: Dunkeld Cathedral! So – which shadow shot should we have chosen? Do click through to the photostream to have a look at the rest.

Hope you’ve had (or are having) a wonderful Sunday!

12 Replies to “Shadow Shot Sunday – Dunkeld Cathedral”

  1. I must admit I was so intrigued with your beautiful shot that I had to Google Dunkeld Cathedral to discover it was in Scotland. My husband and I will probably be in Scotland later in the year to attend a wedding, so I’ll put Dunkeld Cathedral on my list of must-sees!

  2. Oh my, so impressive! This shot has a little of everything! The vibrant blue peeking through the wonderful shadow patterns decorating the cathedral is stunning. The textures lovely. Very very nice!

  3. Looked at a bunch more on your Flickr site…this one is the most interesting as far as shadows, negative spaces and color. Great photos! Hope you had a great day being there.

  4. Lovely. Makes me wonder about the people who sat there once upon a time, looking at the sky through the stained glass of the windows, wishing their wishes…

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