Shadow Shot Sunday – Glasgow Uni

This week’s Shadow Shot Sunday is going to be just outright bending the rules into a pretzel. You see, in order to have shadows you must first have SUN. In the absence of sun, though, we’ll give you this: a snow shadow. Yep – if you look, you’ll see the “shadow” of where the angle of the snow left an impression of the tree.

Hope you’ve had (or are having) a wonderful Sunday!

12 Replies to “Shadow Shot Sunday – Glasgow Uni”

  1. I love this. I love the colors in the bricks of the building across the way. I love how the the grass seems to spike through the snow, fighting off total cover. But it’s the trees which I love most of all. I love how their branches are each highlighted from the recent snow fall. Wonderful image.

  2. The snow turned everything into a study in contrasts. It’s a really unique photo, especially the way the tree creates motion against the geometry of the urban shapes.

  3. jackie: Yep – in the Psychology building, on the “5th” floor (in the U.S. we’d say it was on the 6th floor, but they start counting here at floor zero).
    Alissa Nicolau: Thanks! Yes – the grass is fairly determined, here. I mean, in California the grass would die during the winter, but here it just keeps on growing!
    Elle: Thanks! And, yes, it is tricky. What’s strange is that I saw several, going different directions. It wasn’t windy, so much as there must be persistent air currents, so that you can have two trees a block apart, with shadows going in different directions. Strange.
    Sandra Ree, Lily, sharon PJ: Thanks!

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