Ruby Tuesday

I caught this cute little car on my way back from school University today (they get funny about calling it “school” here: school is for wee kids, University is where grownups get their PhD’s). Since it was red, and since I’d caught another red thing as well, I thought, Hey! Tomorrow’s Tuesday! Welcome to Ruby Tuesday, where people take pictures of red things. No, I don’t know why. Do I care? (And, yes, I zapped out the license plate, and will continue to do so: here’s me, not being a help to law enforcement, since I can’t take pictures which might be a help to terrorists any more.)

One of the stranger things, to our minds, is the whole concept of a Removals company. The first thing that pops into our heads is, Aztec Removals: getting rid of those pesky Aztecs, since 1992. It is, of course, merely a moving company: they’ll remove your stuff to someplace else. It always strikes us, though. I’ll try to catch the Irish Removals one, too.

Be sure to check out the other red things over at Work Of The Poet.

8 Replies to “Ruby Tuesday”

  1. Do they call it Uni? That’s what it’s called in Australia…never school. One of the pleasures of leaving your own country is to see the peculiar way the language is used in other countries…and to find that they see our idioms as peculiar, too.
    Now you’ve gotten me hooked on Ruby Tuesday…posted two today.

  2. Oh, they do call it Uni – and if I say that I go to “Glasgow University” then people will ask me “which one,” but if I say “Glasgow Uni” then they all know what I’m talking about, because there is only one. Bizarre.

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