
Vallejo 26

One of the things we love about the Bay Area is the bridges. This pair span the Carquinez Straights, between Crockett and Vallejo. We don’t often cross these bridges, but thought that we’d revisit them, as they’re quite beautiful.

Our house is gradually taking shape, with a piano delivered today. We’re still waiting for our things to arrive (as far as we can tell, they’re on a truck somewhere between Florida and California). We’re truly tired of having worn the same clothes for the past 5 months, and will enjoy having some different choices – hopefully sometime next week, our things will arrive.

D. begins a new job, Monday, as a technical writer for a biotech company in Marin County. It’s not using his skills to the fullest, but it’s a foot in the door, and they’ve some plans to use his skills further, and hopefully it’ll be a long-term position.

For the first time since we’ve been back in California, it rained! We were both quite happy with the rolls of thunder (T. thought it was someone taking out their trash cans) and the light rain. Our friends in Scotland have had rain nearly every day for the past 5 months, so we’re sure they’re nowhere near as happy at the idea of showers.

T. has begun reading for the Cybils awards, so has about 40 books to make it through this week, with possibly 100 more to arrive.

All in all, we’re settling in, looking forward to meeting with the church choir tomorrow morning, and gradually getting used to the idea of being back in California.

-D & T

8 Replies to “Bridges”

  1. How did I miss the part that you’d gotten a house? Belated congrats on that — and big congrats on the job. That has to take a load off your minds. I wish you well on continued readjustment on being in CA again. I’m still adjusting to living in San Diego and it’s been since 1968. 😕

  2. I think I must have missed the part where you ended up in SF–congrats on the house & the job & actually getting a bit of rain (I’ll send you some of ours 😉 )!

  3. Last I saw you were in the desert looking for real estate now the job in Marin Co.Would love to see photos of your house and hear updates on getting settled there in your new digs. Take care you two and I hope you enjoy that part of CA. My parents lived very close to you in the 30’s and 40’s.

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