Stay Tuned…

Vallejo 156

You know you’re in California, when…

On telephone: “Yeah, I actually had to turn on my windshield wipers on the way to work! And they weren’t on the lowest setting!

Yes, indeed, an amusing and, for some, utterly bewildering two soaking days of rain, which caused quiet moments of shock and awe…. followed this week by a brief descent into hell, as temps soar into the +100F/39°C. And we’re expecting even more adventures in weather, as we’re off to Baltimore for a week… where they’re having the usual summer combo of heat AND the rain. All at once.

Can’t wait to see what that does to one’s hair.

While the trip is for medical junk and so T. can sit on a panel at a convention, we’re treating this as a mini-vacation (unlike our house, there’s air conditioning, so one can determine that AC = vacation. It’s in The Rules) to tide us over while we prep for another move (again!!!) and until we leave the country in the autumn. (Poland! Scotland! Rain!) We’re going to enjoy a few within-walking-distance treasures of the city, while also doing a little sleuthing on Baltimore’s food scene. It’s always been entertaining to find sustenance as vegetarians on the road — how do people trying to avoid sugar/carbs and meat manage? Is California the only place you can find discerning eaters? We’re positive that’s not the case, and look forward to feeling our way toward what’s good on the waterfront that doesn’t have a shell, claws, or fins.

Plus, we’re going to The National Aquarium, which is causing no end of anticipatory squealing around these parts.

Rain. Hellish Heat. Then, Rainy Hellish Heat. “What I Did On My Summer Vacation.”

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