Year-old Sourdough

Sourdough Loaves 10 Sourdough Loaves 09
Sourdough Loaves 08 Sourdough Loaves 07
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Sourdough Loaves 04 Sourdough Loaves 03
Sourdough Loaves 02 Sourdough Loaves 01

A year ago was a day for making 4 loaves of bread: 1 feta, olives, and spices; 1 garam masala with raisins; 2 plain. Our sourdough had still been alive. It met an ugly demise later on, and I’ve never had the heart to get another one going. Partly that’s because we always “boosted” with yeast anyway, and partly because … well, it’s a pain, and it means that you’re always having to bake bread. It was one thing, when we had family and friends to share with, and when our lives were a bit more regular but now, there’s just now way we could keep up!

As to baking, now, I’m quite enjoying the poolish method, and the results are fabulous. I’d even be tempted to say that poolish is better than sourdough. I know: heresy. But, it’s true, and it means that I can bake when I want to bake, not when some fermented blob of goo turns sullen and demands for something to be done about it.

Two more reasons I’m glad not to be at the beck and call of sourdough are that I’ve had my head deeply into writing my first chapter of the PhD, which has brought about the second reason for my not wanting bread around: I eat it.

I’m trying to get off the carbohydrate addiction, now that the draft of the chapter is turned in, but it’s a hard one to break. We’ll see how it works out, but we’re probably going to be making a lot more out of tofu and seitan, and much less in the way of bread.

2 Replies to “Year-old Sourdough”

  1. Kept my sourdough starter frozen for over 3 months for some of the reasons you mentioned. Just thawed it out, but am willing to toss out the toss off if I don't need bread…like this week. Whenever I decide to stop bread baking, back in the freezer it will go. Poolish is good, too and instant yeast is fine. In general my problem is similar…too much else to do and don't need the carbs.
    Hope the PhD writing continues to go well!

  2. I have several starters I haven't baked with in over 12 months. I pulled one out on Wednesday, fed it a few times, and away I went. But, I feel what you say. Sometimes, I look at the bottom shelf of the fridge at all the starters and wonder what in earth…

    Poolish is one of my favorites too.

    Good luck with the PhD thesis.

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