Dog Fouling

One of the interesting things about being in another country is the signage. Amongst the odd street signs (yield signs are apparently painted upon the ground here as upside-down triangles, rather than being upon a post as they are in the US), we found this beauty. It’s outside the park next to our building, and is absolutely fabulous. In case you can’t read the fine print:

Allowing your dog to foul this place is an offence and may result in you being prosecuted and fined up to £500 unless you immediately “Lift it, Bag it and Bin it.

Not that anybody actually pays attention to the sign, mind you, except to encourage their dogs to foul the sidewalk around our building rather than the park. I’d imagine that the threat of that fine is an awfully good incentive – as, in US Dollars, it works out to $1,020. That’s an awfully big incentive.

– D & T

4 Replies to “Dog Fouling”

  1. Here in Moffat, they generally get away with it. When we were living in our last house, I watched as a woman with a Great Dane allowed him to do a massive you-know-what in our front garden, about five feet away from just such a sign, posted immediately in front of our garden wall; she didn’t look illiterate. I’d just been cleaning toilets (we had ten) and I couldn’t face any more, so I pursued her, and while I was polite, I am afraid that I was also manic. To this day the woman draws back in fear when she sees me, The Mad Yank.

  2. Speaking of yield signs, have you driven the streets yet? Don’t they drive on the wrong side of the road over there? I guess they think we drive on the wrong side over here 🙂

  3. The funniest sign my sister and I saw this summer in the UK was a blue outline of two people (like the men’s and women’s restroom people) on a white background, he bent nearly double, leaning on a cane, she standing alongside, with the legend, “Elderly People”. We THINK we understood what they were getting at, but we dissolved into giggles every time, anyway!

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