Now Needed: a Flannel Board & Some Felts

And we shall dwell in the (former) house of the Lord, for… awhile.

Only a little while ago we asked the big question of what it would be like to live in a church. Well, asked and soon answered! Yes, we’re moving not this weekend, but the next, to the Angel Building, as they call it. This place has loads of character and a really well laid out interior. We are really excited!

These photographs are pictures of a sales brochure; (you’ll have to wait for better light/color balanced photographs of the exterior) despite our deep desire to take pictures of the stained glass panels in the mostly intact church foyer (which light up when a motion sensor is triggered — must be gorgeous at night), we held off doing anything too outrĂ© for the sake of the realtor. The house has been on the market for some time and didn’t sell, so the market’s loss is our gain.

We’re tickled to have a gas range again — though electric is allegedly more reliable, there’s nothing like the responsiveness of actual fire under a pot. The high ceilings might be a challenge to heat, but the fact that the bedrooms are small and compact little attic caves with lower ceilings — and they’re up by the ceiling — means we’ll have the advantage of physics on our side — heat rises, after all. There is a shower room in the master bedroom, and a lovely deep bathtub downstairs.

It might amuse you to note that T. didn’t really look at the details in the flat too closely. She walked in, and said, “Uh-huh.” She was done flat-hunting. D., Mr. Due Diligence as always of course, poked around, noted a cracked window pane and some water damage, but T. was already frowning over how to fit the desks into the downstairs space effectively while taking advantage of the light without getting glare on the computer screens, and wondering what color of wood stain she should order on the bookshelves from Ikea.


The bedrooms are called ‘gallery’ or ‘mezzanine’ rooms here, they look like regular ‘loft’ rooms to us, and you’ll see one at the top corner of the lower picture. We amused ourselves being unable to figure out how to get up to them. The realtor, bemusedly watching us circle the kitchen and living room area repeatedly, was absolutely no help. Eventually what T. thought was the door to a closet contained a stairwell. We tried all the doors upstairs, just for fun, and discovered one that went into a hallway outside the flat. A fire exit? A separate exit in case one decides to sleep over at the neighbor’s? No idea. Quirky, but kind of neat. This flat also has a wee tiny laundry room — separate from the kitchen — and a wee tiny dish washer! Our free time after dinner is ours once again, huzzah!

Anyone wanna come over for potluck? Here’s a birds-eye view!

– D & T

11 Replies to “Now Needed: a Flannel Board & Some Felts”

  1. OK, the bad puns … must stop.

    The realtor wasn’t helpful because he was drunk – T was just being too polite to tell you all that. She says, ‘maybe he had a drink at lunch and spilled it on himself’ … but we saw the house at 3:00, and he was just a wee bit sluggish (he couldn’t get the front door open for a few minutes, and it’s an electronic key!).

    But no worries – he’s not in the office. đŸ™‚

  2. Nice! I almost swooned when I saw the kitchen. I’m so glad that you found something that you really like before your trip.
    If I get over to visit my sister with in the next couple of years, I’ll be over!

  3. That really looks great.

    As for your estate agent not being able to open the door, though, it takes me ages to get my key to work even when I’m stone-cold sober. Maybe he was just tipsy and slightly key challenged? No…probably not.

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