Stillllllll Packing. *Sigh.*

Removals: n British modifier. The transfer of furniture and other objects when moving house. Example: ‘Removal man.’

We’re always so glad to have the OED around to explain the UK world when Holler and G. are busy. When we first saw trucks (heck out cased hole wireline services here)with the word ‘removal’ on them, they were prefaced by the word ‘Aztec.’ “Aztec removals?” we thought. “Who has problems with Aztecs?” Of course, for us it was a great running joke (that nobody else got but us. *sigh*), but seeing this truck with the word ‘Irish’ on it… required photographic evidence for the folks back home.

We’re at the point of packing where we’re muttering about “simplifying” and “reducing” and getting back in touch with Freecycle. HOW on earth did we end up with so much stuff? How does two bookshelves and two desks and food and clothes and toiletries translate to — this mess?! Mainly, it’s the books — and since we’re moving to across the street from the largest reference library in Europe — and they take donations — that problem will be solved shortly. Compared to previous points in our lives, we have very few possessions, but when it comes time to pack, more than a cot and a backpack makes us feel a bit put upon.

(*sigh* We are blessed to have what we need. Maybe if we repeat that as a mantra, we’ll start to feel that way.)

We’re continuing to prepare to “move house” and though the building is staying put (!), next week at this time we will be out of here and just getting ready to unpack catch a breath, repack and get on the plane to come back to the states, where we’ll be from the fifth of June through the twenty-second. We’ll be flying on the longest day of the year, and arrive back in Scotland for midsummer.

We’re looking forward to spending these long summer days with friends and family. Hope to see you soon!

– D & T

9 Replies to “Stillllllll Packing. *Sigh.*”

  1. To say that they’re repossessions … kinda makes it sounds as if the Irish or the Aztecs are being repossessed … which would be a very bad thing.

  2. Hiya, thanks for the offer of bringing stuff back from stateside! Joel’s parents are coming to visit first thing in July so they are bringing us the supplies. 🙂 We tend to buy our raisins at Costco here, the good old California ones, b/c they don’t add any weird ingredients to it, and the others I’ve seen around do. Mmm have fun in the U.S.!!!
    We should meet up sometime.. we like the 78 too. Going tonight, actually!

  3. I guess the re-movals makes sense – this isn’t the first time you’ve moved the stuff, and it won’t be the last, perhaps. At least the donated books won’t have to be re-re-moved.

  4. Removals. Removals. It’s a removal van! It’s job is to remove things from one place to another, in the now slightly archaic sense of the word ‘remove’.

    But it is a strange word now that you’ve pointed it out. I dare you to call the number and say you have a load of Irish people giving you trouble–like there’s something going about that’s turning normal people into the Irish. And you need them removed. It’ll be double the fun because the removal men you call will probably be Irish. You’ll be able to say, “no, not you too! My God, it’s really happening, it’s really happening!” and then slam the phone down.

    Or have someone in the background shout “they’re getting in! We have to move upstairs!” Then make a few loud bangs, scream, and drop the phone.

  5. Photographic proof that the “Irish” are everywhere, as the old Celtic saying goes.

    Belated congratulations on being accepted for the Ph.D Course.

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