Olive Bread 2.0

It’s been a busy, busy, BUSY week… Between Mac starting the new consulting gig for the fabulous company that doesn’t care if he works in the office or not (Oh, we need so many more jobs like this, please and thank you, God!), me substitute teaching for the first time in aeons while trying to read 47 (at last count!!!) books for the Cybils, and concurrently for that elusive 50,000 words in the National Novel Writing Month competition… and spending every spare weekend moment visiting the Little Sib in the hospital after her major surgery — well, you’d think we’d have no time for baking. And… you’d be kind of right.

As a matter of fact, I’ve actually managed to LOSE a few visibly noticable pounds because not only hasn’t there been time for baking… there just hasn’t been a lot of time for eating, which is actually funny. But, never fear, we who Wish We Were Baking will always find a way… and a means… and a little bit of dough…

So thus is born Olive Brode 2.0. The first loaf was lovely, tender, chewy and tasty… and about three grains of salt short, which we thought would be made up by the ultra-salty olives. Nope. The olives were Italian and rather green, instead of the lovely dark “black” kalamatas, which we are using this time. Also, the good old KitchenAid tends to be really, really hard on olives; we could barely find them after we added them early in the baking process. We’re hoping this time that, by adding them later, we’ll end up with bigger pieces!

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