The low tonight is -1°

Progress. It’s not necessarily a smooth road or a short one, and in this case it includes scaffolding, a saw grinding through sandstone, and wide-open windows in thirty degree temps — and people showing up at your house a few minutes after eight a.m. to open said windows. Brrr. It’s getting done, however, and Workman Paul both sings and whistles and keeps up a very amusing commentary about the ancestry and mental capacity of the builders who installed the boiler incorrectly in the first place.

At the moment we have no gas at all, for which we’d forgotten to plan, so breakfast this morning was Interesting Experiments With the Toaster Oven in lieu of microwave cookery (the outcome is that you can indeed roast potatoes in a toaster oven, and they’ll even be cooked through sometime this millennium if you cut them into tiny cubes.). The word on the …side of the house is that we’ll have hot water and heat tonight. At this time we are casting lots for the bathtub.

Paul finishes his part of the boiler fix tonight, which will leave the Property Management firm dealing with closing up the wall and putting the house back together. Unfortunately, the gas company has had to authorize removing part of a door frame (these pictures are from the first half of the first day — the holes are much bigger, there’s a lot more stuff everywhere, and there are now copper pipes involved. Whoo!) and they apparently can stipulate how the house is reassembled — Paul says that the wall will now have to have access panels so that the gas company can check the pipe installation and fitting from now on.

*Sigh* While we don’t care about this one way or the other, we know the property owner is going to be annoyed (she chose to have the boiler repaired in such a way as to insure that the house would stay EXACTLY as it was. Oops.) and there will be more delays about getting things finished — but at least the delays will take place when we’re warm. Here’s hoping, anyway…

– D & T

4 Replies to “The low tonight is -1°”

  1. I’m betting that you both have a few choice words to say about improper boiler installation too! Have fun in the tub! And in a warm room too!

    Ah, the things that we all take for granted.

    Here’s hoping that life will be back to normal soon.

  2. I’m so glad that’s finally getting fixed. My flat is cold enough with the heat ON, so I can only imagine what your place has been like these past few weeks.

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