Feelthy Weather!

Charing Cross 075 Charing Cross 074 Charing Cross 073
Kelvingrove Park Flower 070 Kelvingrove Park Flower 069 Kelvingrove Park Flower 068
Kelvingrove Park Flower 067 Kelvingrove Park Bee 08 Kelvingrove Park Bee 07
Kelvingrove Park Bee 06 Kelvingrove Park Bee 05 Kelvingrove Park Bee 04
Kelvingrove Park Bee 03 Kelvingrove Park Bee 02 Kelvingrove Park 175

Yes, we’re always complaining about the weather here. We’ll now take this opportunity to complain again, in particular because last year’s weather was wonderful, on the 7th of September! We got out into Kelvingrove Park, saw bumblebees, flowers, and odd things, like the Bank of India, a discarded box of Turkish Delight … which we always wonder about: “who eats that stuff? After the Chronicles of Narnia, and that wicked child being tempted into following the White Queen because he loved the stuff, who would buy it?”

Kelvingrove Park 174 Kelvingrove Park 173 Kelvingrove Park 172
Kelvingrove Park 171 St. Silas Church 9 St. Silas Church 8
St. Silas Church 7 Kelvingrove Park 170 Glasgow Uni 134
Kelvingrove Park 169 Kelvingrove Park Bee 01 Kelvingrove Park Flower 066
Kelvingrove Park 168 Kelvingrove Park 167 Charing Cross 072

This year, it’s already started the bluster and the rain, so much so as to have turned T’s umbrella inside out with its gustiness, as we were on our way to Ikea. Our friends from here are complaining, too, which makes us feel a bit better: it’s not just us, being Californian, that makes the weather in Glasgow seem awful.

This week, D’s back at it, going up to the University for a couple of days, even though school doesn’t officially start until the last week of September for him. He has to mark a Master’s dissertation, have meetings, and those sorts of things before the term starts. And then, he gets to look forward to his own work, and sitting in on a class of qualitative analysis (yay!) for the term.

One of our friends, who lives in Dundee, remarked that this had been an awful Summer, to which we replied, “there was a Summer?” Another year has gone by. We’ve been here, now, for two solid years. Another 2 years, 3 months, and D will have his PhD, meaning that he can finally quit school, and go on to other things! What? Who knows! But wherever we go, we do know that we’d like to put in an early request for better Summers, and less rain.

– D & T

5 Replies to “Feelthy Weather!”

  1. Bummer that summer didn't truly come…who knows, perhaps this menas the winter months will be milder… 🙂

    Though I love the weather I can think of many reasons I'd rather not be living where I am now…the grass is always greener-til you arrive 😉

    Hope the week is full of wonderful surprises!
    : )

  2. Well, I see the Scottish weather hasn't improved much since I have been gone. Maybe when I return in a weeks time I can bring along with me some of the lovely weather from OKlahoma. And I do believe there were a few summer days on the west coast of Scotland summer, sometime in June and a few in July.

    Good luck D with the new school year, just 2 more years to go! I myself am just starting down that road again, got 4 years ahead of me to a BSc and I am already planning my Masters and PhD too!!! By the time I finish I will be retirement age! Well, at least I have the next 4 years to look forward to on the west coast of Scotland. Yipee!!!!


  3. Should I be ashamed to admit that I buy turkish delight? It's … delightful! And I will not be ashamed!
    I made it homemade once earlier this year too. I felt pretty accomplished after that.
    Yay we leave in January probably so we won't have to go through the entire winter…

  4. Our summer here in Eastern Canada was missing for all of June and July. Wet, cold, rain, rain, rain. August was pretty good.September has been…cool. I rememebr summers about 20 or so years ago and at the end of August, the grass would be brown in a lot of places because of hot, dry weather and lack of rain. The past two summers we have been as green and lush as the UK. As musty and moldy too.

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