Popular Photos

It’s always interesting to us just what people find interesting, in our photos. Below are the photos which have received the most views, from left to right. The first has become popular because it’s been discussed on Sociological Images, the second because it’s mentioned at The Fresh Loaf, but the next two? We can’t figure out why the Kohlrabi picture would be popular whatsoever. The Masala one is the only one to which we return, again and again, because it lists out the ingredients for making our own version of Garam Masala.

Virgin Active Loaves2m Kohlrabi 1.2 Masala 1.1

We’ve long since topped 20,000 photos, up on Flickr. We sincerely hope that you’re enjoying them.


3 Replies to “Popular Photos”

  1. Are you SURE that the third one gets a lot of views? Have been enjoying your photos, especially the architecture and street scene ones…gives a lovely sense of your town.

  2. My CSA delivered six straight weeks of lambs quarters, so your pictured vegie made me chuckle. Why such a visited pic? Must be a particularly handsome kohlrabi 🙂

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