7 Replies to “Warning: Political Content (Sorta)”

  1. You know… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had conversations similar to that just because I am a black woman. I’m glad that this comment highlights just how STUPID those conversations are. Thanks for posting it.

  2. Won’t it be nice when someday all can look past race, gender, and whatever else people get hooked up on? I seethe when people point out my “indian” daughter because she has brown hair, dark skin, and brown eyes, but her full brother standing beside her with his blonde hair, light skin, and blue eyes is never referred to in such a way. So she looks like her Dad and our son looks like me but they both came from “us.” 🙂

  3. Isn’t this great? We’ve heard from the Ignorant News Network just a few times too many lately…

    Kansas, the STUPID thing is that your kids look SO MUCH ALIKE… they’re OBVIOUSLY both your kids, you didn’t just adopt a random First Nations child… *sigh* People.

  4. i thought of you you two and cheryl on tuesday. were you able to vote by absentee ballot or does the whole u.s. political thing seem a bit surreal from another country?

  5. Jac, only twenty-eight states voted in this primary, and so it wasn’t the whole big deal yet — we did get our absentee ballots in December, though, and will continue to be able to vote that way.

    And really: I’m sure the political thing is a bit surreal even IN the same country. It’s ridiculous how early the hoopla has started since the primaries are all moved up three months and come about five minutes apart!!!!!!!!!!

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