Maybe a Meme?

Things have been a bit quiet around here, and I didn’t get up too many pictures of the Julia Child Bread, but it was beautiful, and a loaf of it flew home to the U.S. and was enjoyed there as well — can’t beat that kind of airline mule service!

Last week the Oshawa, Ontario What Smells So Good blog tapped Wish I Were Baking for a meme. WIWB was busy playing tourist with our friend Barry last week, but this week, I’m only writing term papers and prepping to sit mock exams, so it’s finally time I got down to the serious task of answering the infamous Five Quick Questions.

The rules for the meme:

1. Link to your tagger and post these rules.

2. Share 5 facts about yourself.

3. Tag 5 people at the end of your post, and list their names to link to them.

4. Let them know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.

Five Facts about Davimack

a.) My first baking job was… tasting dough. No, really. My mother had me taste raw dough to tell her “what it needed.” I’m still not sure how that one got started.

b.) The first dish I ever concocted myself was potato soup when I was a kid. I used an entire pound of cheddar cheese, a stick of butter and whole milk, and you could stand a spoon in it when it cooled. I tried to impress That Girl I Hang Out With with it when we started hanging out, but she was a little horrified at the fat content for some reason. Hm…

c.) I taught myself to knit two years ago when I got laid off from my job. I had six months of paid vacation, so I thought, “Why not?” It turned out to be the avenue for meeting some really great people (and thank you all). Who knew?

d.) I didn’t grow up with a vegetable garden. We lived in Hemet, CA. We had… cacti. And coyotes. And wild burros.

e.) That Girl I Hang Out With, I’ve been hanging out with for over fourteen years. Shh! Don’t tell her Mom.

Since by the time I got to this meme, you’ve probably all done it, just… consider yourself tagged if you’re reading this and you haven’t done this one. Okay?

Two things: one, we have a bowlful of blood oranges and grapefruit in the kitchen. Stay tuned for some piquant and random citrus recipes this weekend. We’re looking at grapefruit and ginger cookies made with molasses. And of course, some more banana bread. And sourdough, as Sadie, the little starter that could, is getting cranky being locked up in the fridge.

Secondly, don’t miss the big Foodie Blogroll link to your right. Are you linked in?


4 Replies to “Maybe a Meme?”

  1. Hey! Thanks for taking part in the meme and taking a gander over at my blog! Good luck on those term papers… I remember those days!

    PS: Yay for blood oranges! I love those things!

  2. Hmmm,how could that soup NOT be delicious???

    I remember the first time I peeled a blood orange–having no idea what it was–it was shocking to be sitting on a train with that vivid juice running all over! But oh, so good.

  3. Eeew, you lived in Hemet? My stepdad worked there for a while as an optometrist. Also, Kelly H. from our writing group grew up there…small world.

  4. Nice meme. I’ve also done things with blood oranges this weekend but it doesn’t sound like I was as creative as you. Looking forward to seeing what you’ve done.

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