Gonna Soak Up the Sun…

Gather ye rosebuds while ye may…

Some people find Californians smug and supercilious, too proud of their state and too apt to think it’s the only place on Earth that is perfect. That may be true, but what others see as insufferable pretentiousness and snobbery, we prefer to see as enthusiastic people who just have never stopped appreciating the bounty of where they live.

Being away has only heightened our appreciation of all we have missed. The sky is an amazing shade of blue. Wild flowers dot the hillsides and yards are strewn with poppies and roses and butterflies and hummingbirds. Every meal has included fresh fruits and vegetable in season. (Our first meal in California was a burrito, and we’ve managed so far to have guacamole every day. Life is good.) The sun shines, and breezes ruffle the trees. It’s not Paradise, but it’s home…

D. is already sunburned. Despite sunblock and standing in the shade every time he’s outdoors, he’s freckling and turning pink. T. looks like a Secret Service person, in her dark glasses, and is considering buying a hat. We didn’t realize how much the lack of sunlight has turned us into little moles.

And we hadn’t realized how much we’d missed the sights and sounds of the suburbs. Birds. Quail scurrying through the yard, and hawks catching thermals, circling above the hills. Nightly, we fall asleep to the sounds of crickets and owls. We feel like we should record everything.

After this weekend, it’s back to work — T’s editor is delighted she’s in the U.S., and hopes to have her finish editing her second novel while she’s close (apparently email works faster within the same country?). D. has to meet with clients and do some heavy reading for his dissertation, but we can’t complain — every day is broken up with seeing friends and being fed and soaking up the sun.

– D & T

7 Replies to “Gonna Soak Up the Sun…”

  1. Isn’t there just something about CA that you can’t quite put your finger on? People there just seem a little more laid back, yet hyper, liberal, open-minded?? There is definitely something not quite tangible, but very noticeable when you are away. Have fun, soak it in, revel in life with family and friends and remember you are still doing something good for yourselves and can pick this back up in the future. ENJOY!

  2. You both make sure you come back to us! None of this ‘are loving it here and why did we go to Glasgow’ nonsense from you please! But have fun anyway 🙂

    ps if you eat any more guacamole you will turn green like shrek and not pink like David and Graham!

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