A Note to the "Professional Cleaners" In Glasgow…

To Whom It May Concern:

It’s late. You’ve just finished cleaning a flat that apparently no one had touched for months and months, and you’re just ready to do the floors and head out. Now, we know it’s difficult sometimes to tell the difference between laminate flooring and real wood, but as so many people in Glasgow use laminate in rental housing, perhaps you could take it on faith that what you’re looking at is essentially a picture copy of wood on plastic, and NOT USE WAX ON THE LAMINATE!? It’s just a bit distressing to go into the kitchen of a house where you’re going to live, and be unable to stand still, having to brace your feet against the sink island so that your legs don’t do an undignified split in front of the movers. It is tacky, slippery, and disgusting underfoot.

We realize that you’re professional cleaners, and not, say, laminate specialists. But for goodness sakes! Wise UP.

That is all.

Well, dear ones, we’re still slogging just a bit — carrying over the last of the birthday plants and defrosting the fridge (yes, you read that correctly) and such — but we are out, and look forward with glee to putting together the bed and flopping onto it. (Or, to tipping the mattress onto the floor and flopping onto it. Really, so much depends on the level of laziness one expects to encounter after 8 p.m.) Pictures and more updates to arrive Thursday at some point. We don’t know when our internet connection is going to go live Thursday; we may have to skulk around at Bean Scene for an hour at a time for awhile, but oh, well. At least the lights and the heat works!

More anon,

– D & T

4 Replies to “A Note to the "Professional Cleaners" In Glasgow…”

  1. Welcome home. Sleep well. I just bought some special cleaner for my laminate floors because my boys actually enjoy running and sliding halfway across the living room!

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